Saturday, October 19, 2019

The role of education in a juveniles life Essay

The role of education in a juveniles life - Essay Example The years of schooling are extremely vital in an individual life, since they c an make or break the kind of person he turns out to be. Education passes on virtues like leading a disciplines mode of life, being sensitive to the others' emotions, respecting fellow humans and also leading an honest and worthy life. Today, children are being diverted and exposed to hazardous knowledge from numerous sources. This has resulted in the rise in the number of juvenile delinquency cases. Children are being lead astray due to the high penetration of crime into the society and the influence it has on young impressionable minds. This has paved way to increasing crime rates in the age group of below 18. It is here, that one needs to sit back and contemplate on the ways and means to curb this rising delinquency rate. One of the best ways t o exert a crease on such occurrences, is through education, Education helps refine children and their thinking processes. Since they can be moulded easily and brought into a certain fold, imparting education to juveniles is necessary. By doing so, delinquency rates can experience a dip, while also facilitating the rehabilitation of juveniles who have been led on to the wrong path. This paper attempts to explore the Role played by Education, in the process of rectifying a nd rehabilitating the lives of Juveniles. ANALYSIS ROLE OF SCHOOL EDUCATION Schools play a very important role in providing a perspective to children. For instance, if a child is brought up in an atmosphere where he is put down and looked down upon by his peers, he becomes excessively negative in his perspective. Low self-esteem and the illusion that one is not cared for, creeps in and this often propels the student towards self-destruction. Schools play a three-fold effect on the lives of children. They influence a child in various facets of his growth and comprehension. Firstly, schools establish the Process of Learning, in the lives of student. This learning need not be limited to the learning of varied subjects. It extends beyond. For instance, learning about oneself is the foremost step toward knowledge and wisdom and school education sows the seeds towards the attainment of this wisdom. School education helps a child understand the world, learn to adapt to demands of situations and to acquire not only subject matter, but also soft skills, like working in a team, acquiring leadership qualities, etc. This is the most evident impact that school education has, in the process of moulding and making the life of a child. The second influence that school education creates, on the life of young minds, is that of establishing set behavioural patterns. Following school rules and regulations is the primary step in curbing the influence of external forces of distraction. When a child is given the absolute freedom to do as he pleases, the child often does not know what ahs to

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