Friday, October 18, 2019

Emotional and Physical Symptoms of Depression during Pregnancy And Essay

Emotional and Physical Symptoms of Depression during Pregnancy And Different Ways of Treatment 2 - Essay Example In one year, it would be possible to have a favorable sample size. The responsibility of the nurses handling antenatal care is critical in the research, because they would be in charge of patient enrollment and diagnostic procedures. Pregnant women that meet the criterion described in the DSM manual of depression would form the eligible group. Moreover, the research would also consider the treatment strategies used to address the cases, and eventually compare the effectiveness of the strategies. On larger scale, the research would involve the collection of data from different health centers (Kothari, 2005).   After identifying the different treatment strategies used to treat pregnant mothers that suffer depression, a qualitative research on the efficiency of each would follow (p. 56). This would mean that different patients would receive different therapies, and a close monitoring of each would follow. In a bid to determine the most effective strategy, the research would consider the time taken by patients to heal, and aspects of their emotional health after the depression. This research would produce evidence-based results on the most effective treatment. It is important to determine the prevalence of emotional depression during pregnancy. Therefore, the number of patients presenting symptoms in different health centers would be considered for a period of one year. Statistical analysis of the data obtained would help in determining the prevalence of depression in pregnancy. Evidently, the selection of an effective methodology is one of the critical aspects of consideration prior to carrying any research. The selected methodology selected determines the data collected, and hence the findings. As highlighted above, there are different facets of this research, necessitating both quantitative and qualitative researchers. This will help in determining the physical and emotional symptoms of depression in pregnant women. Moreover, the above

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