Saturday, June 20, 2020

Travel And Tourism Management Different Tourist Destinations - 3575 Words

Travel And Tourism Management: Different Tourist Destinations (Research Paper Sample) Content: Travel and tourism management Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc526972156 \h 3LO1 Understand the scope of key UK and worldwide tourist destinations PAGEREF _Toc526972157 \h 31.1 Analyse main tourist destinations and generators of the world in terms of visitor numbers and income generation PAGEREF _Toc526972158 \h 31.2 Analyse statistics to determine tourism destination trends and predict future trends PAGEREF _Toc526972159 \h 62 Understand the cultural, social and physical features of tourist destinations PAGEREF _Toc526972160 \h 72.1 analyse cultural, social and physical features of tourist destinations explaining their appeal to tourists PAGEREF _Toc526972161 \h 72.2 compare features of developing and leading tourist destinations PAGEREF _Toc526972162 \h 103 Understand how the characteristics of destinations affect their appeal to tourists PAGEREF _Toc526972163 \h 123.1 compare the appeal of current leading tourist destinations with that of currently developing tourist destination s PAGEREF _Toc526972164 \h 123.2 evaluate how characteristics of a tourist destination affect its appeal PAGEREF _Toc526972165 \h 134 Understand issues likely to affect the popularity of tourist destinations PAGEREF _Toc526972166 \h 144.1 analyse issues that affect the popularity of tourist destinations PAGEREF _Toc526972167 \h 144.2 discuss the potential for responsible tourism to enhance the host community at worldwide tourist destinations PAGEREF _Toc526972168 \h 15Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc526972169 \h 15References PAGEREF _Toc526972170 \h 16 Introduction In this report, the Reader will get a comprehensive understanding of different tourist destinations based in UK, Europe and the rest of the world in terms of income generation, the location, statistics and number of visitors. Apart from that, the research study will also identify the cultural, social and physical characteristics of these visitor attractions and compare them along with determining the latest trends and estimating any future trends. In the later section of the study, proper comparison will be provided between leading tourist destinations and development tourist destinations all over the world using a PowerPoint presentation. It will also evaluate the characteristics of the tourist destination. At last, the study will identify some of the major issues which can impact the popularity of various tourist destinations and discuss the responsible tourism which can and hence the features of these worldwide tourist destinations along with the community. By taking the example o f Titan travel, the report will generate a summary on some of the most visited tourist destinations in the uK and in the world and develop an effective business marketing strategy for the company to follow. LO1 Understand the scope of key UK and worldwide tourist destinations 1.1 Analyse main tourist destinations and generators of the world in terms of visitor numbers and income generation The world is filled with remarkable tourist destinations which are responsible for attracting a large number of international and domestic tourists on a daily basis which is also a great medium of income for the country. In this section, we are going to identify some of the major tourist destinations in terms of visitor numbers and income generation. London: One of the most favourite tourist destinations all over the world that attracts millions of people every year is London which offers a wide range of visitor attractions. Some of the best tourist places to visit in London include the Big Ben, London Eye, Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, British Museum, Hyde Park, Westminster Abbey, London Bridge, national history museum and much more (Formica, 2016). The city is responsible for generating revenue of around 21.5 billion pounds every year from 15 million tourist, offering a huge contribution to the GDP of the country. As of 2014, UK witnessed 31.2 million visitors from all over the world which was around 6% higher compared to the previous year. Paris: Paris is the capital city of France and also the most populous city in the country. The city is one of the top tourist destinations in the world that attracts around 83 million foreign visitors as of 2017 making France one of the most popular countries for tourism. Some of the major tourist attractions in Paris include the Eiffel Tower which alone is responsible for attracting around 7 million people from all over the world every year. Other major tourist destinations in Paris include Louvre museum, Notre Dame De Paris, palace of Versailles lease, Montmartre, Tuileries garden and much more (Formica, 2016). In 2016, the revenue generated by the tourism sector in France was around 198.3 billion euros which also develop 2.8 million jobs which contributed to the GDP of the france. Dubai: As per the statistics, in 2016, the number of international overnight visitors in Dubai was around 14.87 million, up from 14.2 million as compared to last year. The tourism sector is extremely useful for the economy of Dubai as it contributed around $90 billion in 2012 to the GDP. They also support emirates retail Industries along with the hospitality sector. Some of the major tourist destinations in Dubai include Burj Khalifa, Burj Al Arab Jumeirah, Palm Islands, the Dubai Mall, etc. Istanbul: The city is responsible for attracting 12.56 million International visitors every year which is much higher than in New York. Istanbul is considered as the meeting place of Europe and Asia and is extremely popular among the tourists for its mosques, churches, cultural heritage, nightclubs, galleries in markets. As of 2014, the number of visitors increased to 37.8 million showing the significant increase of 6 % as compared to last year. When it comes to revenue generation, turkey generates revenue of $26 billion as of 2017 where Istanbul is the major contributor to the economy of the country (Kozak, 2015). Some of the major tourist destinations in Istanbul include Hagia Sophia, Bosporus, Topkapi Palace, Sultan Ahmed Mosque, etc. USA: The USA is a country consisting of various states and cities that attract a large number of visitors from all over the world. Some of its major tourist destinations include Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Orlando, Atlanta, Chicago, New York, etc where New York is the most visited city with around 60 million visitors every year. In terms of numbers, USA attracts around 75 million International tourists every year contributing around US$7.6 trillion which is about 10.2% of the total GDP of the world. The tourism sector of USA also generate 292 million jobs as of 2016. 1.2 Analyse statistics to determine tourism destination trends and predict future trends The travel and tourism sector is one of the fastest growing and ever evolving industries where new technologies and trends seem to be coming every year. In the last decade or so, the tourism sector has witnessed many changes and we are also going to see the significant impact of its on future tourism. Some of the latest and future trends in the travel industry are as below: Emerging inbound destination: With many nations joining the European Union, South America and Asia will prove to be the leading inbound destinations as they attract the interest of the tourists (Formica, 2016). Emerging inbound destinations have seen a dramatic increase in the last decade, where the number of tourists has increased by 87 % from 2006 to 2010. Some of the major inbound tourism market in the future can be Russia, Germany, United Kingdom, United States, etc. New emerging outbound markets: In 2018 and beyond, various outbound markets are emerging in the form of India and China have over a billion population each, who are now beginning to travel internationally. As per the statistics, the number of Chinese people who started travelling foreign countries has raised significantly between 2006 and 2010 with an estimated increase of 66 %. Similarly, the Indian Travellers also increased from 8.3 million in 2006 to 12. 9 million in 2010 with an increase of 55 % (Ibrahim, 2005). Green tourism: Also known as Sustainable Tourism is one of the latest trends in the tourism industry where the Travellers are encouraged to participate in green tourism by educating them about the negative impacts on the tourism and the environment. The Global climate change is one of the major problems facing the tourism industry, which are resulting in natural disasters. Through green tourism, we can witness new means of transport which can reduce pollution and traffic. Social media: Social media can be one of the future trends can the tourism industry which we have already begin to witness. Social media technologies are now being utilized as a means of communication between the organization, individuals and communities. Tourism Businesses are utilizing social media as a consumer generated medium provide them with a dedicated platform to promote their holiday packages (Kozak, 2015). Safety and security: Probably one of the biggest concerns in the tourism industry is the safety of the travellers. With modern tourism, we can witness trends in the tourism industry which would protect the tourist and local from any kind of hazards by developing a sufficient budget for safety issues (Kozak, 2015). It will include all the stakeholders to prevent the tourists from any kind of crimes. These stakeholders include Hotel owners, taxi drivers, airline companies, local population, transportation agencies, etc (Ibrahim, 2005). 2 Understand the cultural, social and physical features of tourist destinations 2.1 analyse cultural, social and physical features of tourist destinations explaining their appeal to tourists Features UK France Cultural Feature If we talk about culture in UK, then we can say that British culture and social norms are quite unique. English is the official language of UK with a population of 65 million ...

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