Tuesday, September 24, 2019

MSc International Marketing Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

MSc International Marketing Management - Essay Example The central component is still people. All the expertise and products in the world can never substitute that one precious human resource. The Export Marketing Research has undergone a sea change in the last few decades. Since the advent of globalisation markets both domestic and international have made information gathering a vital process in establishing a business. The proposed research dissertation would analyse the differences that exists in the domestic marketing research and the international marketing research through Export Marketing Research. Export marketing research has covered a number of theoretical and practical matters such as calibration and customisation, export growth processes, barriers to exporting, export operation, etc. Rapid changes in technology, institutionalised, parliamentary, economic and attitudes throughout the globe present challenges for the future growth of export marketing enquiry. The appearance of churning and ultra-competitive business environs calls for exporters to regard the bases and sustainability of their competitive benefit to overseas markets. Specifically, future research has to concentrate on the recognition of the exact export marketing capacities that firms should build up or gain, the capacity to purchase or channelise them across markets, and the talent to continuously upgrade the aspects by using appropriate organisational learning routines. Of significant magnitude are the procedures utilised to formulate capacity-based strategies and to supervise relationships with internation al customers. The literature review of the different authors pertaining to international marketing management through export marketing research includes Bentley (1986) who defines information as "being data that are meaningful, useful to the user and which, ideally, should be comprehensive, yet concise, accurate, applicable, timely and available." As such information is rarely available in such a readily digestible form, organizations have had to develop either formal or informal methods to collect, analyse and disseminate it. Though there have undoubtedly been many successful management decisions based on experience of the management which has an inner feeling of what can be good for an organisation, the consensus among marketing theorists (Deshpande and Zaltman, 1982; Kast and Rosenzweig, 1979; Stoner, 1978), is that objective information is a prerequisite basis on which to found management decisions which will reduce risk and uncertainty. The types of marketing research information used by comp anies have been covered by Luck and Rubin (1987), Kinnear and Taylor (1991) and Churchill (1987) among others. Whilst these authors willingly prescribe the types of information which should be sought, they are not so forthcoming when discussing the types of information that companies actually collect. Similarly the international marketing research textbook by Douglas and Craig (1983) takes more of a prescriptive, rather than a

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