Saturday, December 28, 2019

Slaughterhouse Five By Kurt Vonnegut - 1894 Words

Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut appears to be a novel, which not only focuses on World War II, but also on the two major atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the firebombing of Dresden. The author Kurt Vonnegut treats the most horrific massacres in World War II with sarcastic humor while also clearly being antiwar sentiment. The firebombing of Dresden, a city in eastern Germany, on February 13, 1945, lead to the cause of 130,000 civilian’s death. This was also roughly the same number of deaths that occurred in the famous atomic bombing which was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki that also occurred in 1945. The novel Slaughterhouse-Five is not just a book about the evil of the war but about what comes after war, but about what happens when a group of innocent people whom did not have direct influence on the war are one day killed in large numbers and their city destroyed because of the dropping of the firebomb or the atomic bomb. For one to truly understand Kurt Vonnegut’s novel, I believe it is cruel to know the history of the firebombing of Dresden. The firebombing of Dresden was a disruptive bombing lead by the American and British air bombers. It is said to be that Dresden is the capital city of the Free State of Saxony in Germany (Kirsch 4). The Free State of Saxony is landlocked federal states of Brandenburg, Saxony Anhalt, Thuringia, and Bavaria, as well as the countries of Poland and the Czech Republic (Kirsch 4). The firebombing of Dresden wasShow MoreRelatedSlaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut534 Words   |  2 PagesSome people may think the novel Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut is a failure. In fact, Kurt Vonnegut himself calls it a failure. A lot of people disagree with that, many think that Slaughterhouse Five is one of Vonneguts best novels. They say it is the most successful book they have ever read, just for reasons of the author himself. From him being bluntly honest, to his gr eat wit. So if it is such a failure in his eyes, why did he write it, what was his purpose, and why was it even publishedRead MoreSlaughterhouse Five By Kurt Vonnegut1458 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout the novel Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut Barry Sadler singer of the song Ballad of the Green Beret and novelist Kurt Vonnegut maintain comparable tones regarding their literature pieces representing the war and the underlying image that is portrayed by the Green Beret. Sadler insightfully states that the impacts that committed soldiers fought through and the sacrifices their families had endured: represents honor, courage, and is described as jingoistic. It is an exceptionallyRead MoreSlaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut1560 Words   |  7 Pages Slaughterhouse-five strives to remember the tragedy of the bombing of Dresden. Kurt Vonnegut constructs his novel around a main character who becomes â€Å"unstuck in time† (23). Billy Pilgrim’s life is told out of order, which gives him a different perspective than the rest of the world. Billy lives through his memories, and revisits events in his life at random times and without warning. Vonnegut introduces Billy Pilgrim to the Tralfamadorian way of thinking about memory and time so that he can copeRead MoreSlaughterhouse Five By Kurt Vonnegut1997 Words   |  8 PagesKurt Vonnegut’s book, Slaughterhouse-Five, is full of historical context, scientific-fiction themes, modernistic themes, and even emphasizes the idea of free will. But Vonnegut’s novel contains one major theme of the destructiveness of war making the book anti-war. Vonnegut uses a variety of techniques to allude to this theme and he does it well. The combination of his writing style and his use of humor to degrade the human in the event of war is highly effective in the fact that it causes the readerRead MoreSlaughterhouse Five By Kurt Vonnegut1348 Words   |  6 PagesSince the last time I wrote a journal, I started and finished Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five and started Neal Stephenson’s Seveneves. Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five had a total of 275 pages, and Neal Stephenson’s Seveneves has a total of 854 pages, however, I am currently on page 50. Slaughterhouse-Five is a piece of historical fiction that explores the hardships of war, the odd simplicity of death, and the confusing topic of time. The novel stars Billy Pilgrim, a physically weak and strangeRead MoreSlaughterhouse Five By Kurt Vonnegut3749 Words   |  15 PagesMario Peà ±a Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut â€Å" ‘Is it an anti-war book?’ ‘Yes,’ I said. ‘I guess.’ ‘You know what I say to people when I hear they’re writing anti-war books?’ ‘No. What do you say, Harrison Starr?’ ‘I say, ‘Why don’t you write an anti-glacier book instead?’† (Vonnegut 4). 1. The author Kurt Vonnegut and a filmmaker, Harrison Starr, converse in this passage, which introduces the topic of Slaughterhouse-Five. In which Starr makes fun of Vonnegut’s idea for planning on making Slaughterhouse-FiveRead MoreSlaughterhouse Five By Kurt Vonnegut1242 Words   |  5 PagesSlaughterhouse Five, a novel written by Kurt Vonnegut, depicts unchronological and sometimes nonsensical moments of the life of Billy Pilgrim as he â€Å"become[s] unstuck in time†(Vonnegut S. Five 23) Billy has no control over where he will end up next. â€Å"He has seen his birth and death many times, and he pays random visits to all the events in between†, and â€Å"is in a constant state of fright, ... because he never knows which part of his life he is going to have to act out next.†(Vonnegut S. Five 23)Read MoreSlaughterhouse Five, By Kurt Vonnegut941 Words   |  4 Pageslargely fatal events, the survivors reflect upon the unbearable guilt and emotions they have experienced. Billy Pilgrim, the main protagonist In Kurt Vonnegut’s novel Slaughterhouse-Five, serves as Vonnegut’s vehicle to communicate his feelings and contemplations as a survivor. Throughout the story, Pilgrim, or the reader encounters an animal that Vonnegut uses to convey the range of emotions and incidents that humans are subject to as a result of war. In the novel, a mysterious dog resides alongsideRead MoreSlaughterhouse Five By Kurt Vonnegut1154 Words   |  5 PagesTaylor Holmes In the novel Slaughterhouse Five, Kurt Vonnegut presents a framed narrative voiced through an unreliable narrator that stimulates the presence of universal and empirical truths. (Introducton?) The juxtaposition of predestination with the exercise of free will is an age-old question. In the pagan world, prior to the upsurge of Western development and Christianity, predestination was deemed a truth; pagan gods were superlative and dictated the lives and fates of subordinate humans. AroundRead MoreSlaughterhouse Five By Kurt Vonnegut1050 Words   |  5 PagesLauren Farrell Mrs. Worthington AP ELA 4 30 November 2014 Free Will Through his novel, Slaughterhouse Five, Kurt Vonnegut poses an ancient question: Are we masters of our destiny, or are we simply pawns of fate? The medium through which Mr. Vonnegut presents this riddle is death. Death is the central point to which all action in the book connects. The story is primarily about the death of 135,000 German civilians in the bombing of Dresden narrated by Billy Pilgrim, a man who experiences death from

Friday, December 20, 2019

Pain Perception Of Native Americans - 1035 Words

Pain Perception in Native Americans The psychological processes in the article include pain perception, and how we as humans perceive pain, how we react to it, and how we adapt to it. The article explains the pain signaling process and how pain can be amplified. For example, when we get pricked by a needle, a signal from our finger ascends through the spinal cord to reach parts of the brain. From there, we perceive pain, then we form a pain experience. Pain perception can be resulting from several factors such as the frequency of pain input, how sensitive the CNS is, How the body reacts after brain perceives and tries to send information to the injured area. A pain experience is when we have the urge to put a band aid on our injury, or be scared to get pricked from a needle again. However, each pain experience differs from one culture to the other, moreover, one person to the other. The article is conducting a research paper about pain and pain perception in different ethnic groups. The researchers focused on pain perception for Native Americans. The researchers in the article hypothesized that Native Americans are more sensitive to pain due to higher frequency of chronic pain. In the study, in order to conduct more accurate results, two ethnic groups were used. Native Americans, and non-Hispanic Whites. The ethnic groups are from the same country, however, they might have been raised within a separate subculture. The two ethnic groups were recruited through newspapers,Show MoreRelatedProfessional Communication : Cultural Sensitivity1210 Words   |  5 Pagesarticle, â€Å"Culturally competent nursing care for American Indian clients in a critical care setting† retrieved from Critical Care Nurse Journal (2005), which focuses on American Indian, Native American, and Alaska Native cultural group, the smallest racial minority groups in the United States, that consists original people indigenous for the North American continent and has been ignored by health care system. 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The percentage of older adults in the United States that is made up of Blacks and other non-White minorities will increase from 10.2 in 1990 to 15.3 in 2020 and 21.3% in 2050. (Fried p.4) In 2005, 9.4 percent of African Americans, 9.3 percent of Asian Americans, and 6.5 percent of Hispanics were older than 65. The leading causes of death among the elderly are chronic diseases, notably cardiovascular disease and cancer. Other major causes of death include: Chronic respiratory diseases suchRead MoreHawaiian Stereotypes1259 Words   |  6 Pagesmy relatives who are Native Hawaiians have told me stories of how cultural and historic sites, hundred in number, have been bulldozed to make way for hotel and golf course development. Many others have been turned into tourist attractions and are desecrated in their use and misuse. These include heiau (burial grounds) or ancient temples, house sites, fishing shrines, ceremonial platforms and agricultural sites. All of these acts take place at the expense and pain of Native Hawaiians who are strugglingRead MoreAnalysis Of La Rose By Louise Erdrich1706 Words   |  7 PagesWorld† and eventually the United States of America, the native people were treated cruelly through many different wars, acts of racism, and displacement of indigenous nations. Despite the brutal history the indigenous people of North America have gone through, in some cases, traditions, languages, and beliefs from previous generations have been kept and remembered. Throughout her novel, La Rose, Louise Erdrich represents authentic Native American history by creating numerous situations in which the

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Policy Analysis

Question: Describe about the Policy Analysis. Answer: Introduction to the Policy The principal aim of developing this paper is selecting a particular policy at the national context of a country devised by the government in aid to promote the development throughout the nation. After that, achieving the significant objective of the document will be done, which is analysing the contents and strategies adopted for the policy to develop a proper sense regarding the key areas of the country covered by the identified approaches and the expected outcomes of such adoption (Acharya, 2012). This particular report critically selected the Thirteenth Plan of Nepal for the financial year 2013-14 to 2015-16. The planning and implementation of the identified policy is a vital responsibility for the National Planning Commission as part of the Government of Nepal. Presentation of the Sector of Development The primary reason for selecting the identified policy for conducting the evaluation is based on the dramatic political and institutional changes identified within the country for supporting Nepals precedence towards the sustainable peace and equitable development. The Comprehensive Peace Accord and the The Interim Constitution of Nepal (2007) are developed with some of the above guidelines to promote the life and wellbeing of the national population (Araral, 2013). By investigating the current situation, the government or the economic condition of the country is facing the significant amount of challenges for developing an environment for the population of Nepal, in which they can experience different kinds of economic and social transformation in accordance with the proposed guidelines (Bardach, 2012). Apart from that, some of the additional hurdles can also be observed related to the country, which is majorly based on eliminating the poverty and enhancing the standard of living fo r the Nepali people. The national bodies of the statehave also identified the factors for achieving the mentioned objectives by forming an environment welcoming the investment in the productive areas to generate the increasing employment opportunities and development priorities. From the context of Nepal, the preceding twelve periodic plans of the country undertook the proposed development on the continuing basis for setting the goals and priorities facilitating the overall national development. In thecase of the Thirteenth Plan (APTP) identified by the country for the period of 2013-14 to 2015-16, it is devised by developing the long-running effects of the visions supporting the millennium development of the overall nation (Blum Schubert, 2013). The originalview of the particular plan is upgrading the status from least-developed country to the developing economy within the next decade. In order to attain the identified vision of APTP, all the strategies, goals, and objectives are aligned and formulated accordingly to materialise the content. The subsequent portion of the paper will importantly evaluate and judge various areas of the certain policy from the context of the selection country to promote the enhancement of the necessary areas. Analysis of the Policy Relevancy of the Policy in achieving the Goals The relevancy of the identified policy named as APTP incorporates different suggestions from the representatives of the political parties, such as the government, non-government institutions, development partners, former vice-chairman, and various members of National Planning Commission, and various development partners (Cook Halsall, 2012). In thecase of planned development, the approaches all started in 1956, where the implementation of thefive-years plan and three-years plan can be observed within the country for nine and three times respectively. The last of those was the three-year plan ended in mid-July of 2013. It can be observed critically that the combined effects of these programs had contributed remarkably to the social and economic development of the country. However, the country still faces some significant challenges from the rise of poverty, social exclusion, and the economic disparity, which requires the national development of policy in the current context to addres s the issues adequately. The essential selection of APTP (FY 2013/14 to 2015/16) is developed to cover these problems significantly and some other relevant matter of concerns (Di Mauro Pesaran, 2013). As discussed earlier, Nepal is considered as a least developed nation, whereas the country can manage the achievement of the status of a developing country influenced by the increasing development efforts and the accelerated political commitment in the future context. There are three essential criteria should need to be maintained by the country in order to earn the status of a developing country, out of which, the country with its previous policies have been able to achieve one (Diaz Torres, 2012). Therefore, the country is required to maintain one more criteria for acquiring the status of a developing country. Therefore, the particular relevancy of the identified APTP can be observed in the development of the strategies, goals, objectives, priorities,and contents of the current pol icy oriented towards achieving the designated status for the country. Not only that, but also the strategies aim to promote multiple aspects of the country, such as the sustainable development, developing possible adaption to the different climate change issues, elimination of poverty by ensuring the environment-friendly economy, and enhancing the human rights (DiÃÅ' ez Franceschet, 2013). Therefore, the strategies and the other major concepts of the identified policies are developed to provide emphasis on the regional as well as the international commitments associated with the county, which are necessary for promoting the basic status of the overall economy. Relationship of the Policy to the Priorities of the Country The development of the APTP policy is done with ensuring the achievement of a long-term vision, which is based on facilitating the upgradation of Nepal from a least developed country to a developing county by the period of 2022. Therefore, it can be observed by determining the long-term vision behind the development of the policy that the specified development policy effectively recognizes the need of promoting the economic condition of the country for welcoming more foreign investment and improving the standard of the overall community (Dunn, 2012). By looking at the objective of APTP, the approaches are shaped up in fashion for reducing or eliminating the economic as well as human-related poverties throughout the nation to direct the favourable changes in the standard of livings of the common people. Therefore, the identified objective of the development plan is focused on bringing necessary enhancement in the daily behaviours and lifestyles of the overall residents within the country, which is highly essential for the company to promote its current position in the global economic environment (Hula, Reese, Jackson-Elmoore, 2012). An increasing lifestyle and standard of living of the country will efficiently proliferate the productivity to the less-developed areas of the country with the help of industrial revolution. The three-year plan as identified by the government bodies and authorities of Nepal is also developed with a certain goal, which is based on the decreasing the particular proportion of the poverty level to 18 percent. Considering the analysis, it can be observed that the fundamental goal of the current development policy is aimed to provide emphasis on the problems and challenges experiencing in the contemporary period by the country (Levrero, Palumbo, Stirati, 2013). These difficulties and limitations are adequately addressed by the policy to develop certain relationships with the identified priorities of the country. Apart from that, the following goals of the policyare also based on promoting the growth of economic, agricultural, non-agricultural, employment, life expectancy, population, and different other associated factors. The three-year development plan has developed and put forwarded some of themajor strategies in order to promote the growth of various factors (O'Donoghue, 2013). The strategiesare based on deciding the targets allocated for each development category within the FY 2015-16. Based on such information, it can be acknowledged that the identified development plan provides vital priority to the improvement of enrolment rates combined with the different primary levels of mentioned factors. Based on the projection, it is expected that current human development index for the country will rise to 0.583 alongside the basic growth in the per capita gross income by the end of the current APTP. With the help of the discussion, the basic understanding can be gained about the different priorities of Nepal, which are required for supporting the identified prospect of the country in its future period(Patton, Sawicki, Clark, 2013). On the other hand, different strategies are followed by APTP in order develop a suitable coordination to these individual priorities. These strategies are devised by the three-year plan during the beginning stage of developing the relationship with the priorities of the country and successfully able to promote the concerns for achieving the long-term vision related to the overall process. As part of the investigation, these strategies associated with the overall plan are recognized and should need to be elaborated in a specific manner. Firstly, the formulation of the strategy is done regarding the achievement of extended and sustainable economic growth by ensuring the increasing contributions from the manygovernments, private, and cooperative sectors within the development process(Pop, 2012). Secondly, the strategies are also developed for establishing and driving the appropriate physical infrastructure alongside the enhancement of quality and access to different kinds of social services. The identified strategy will help to formulate and maintain the relationship between the population with the differentother platforms of the world while significantly increasing their physical presence. Thirdly, the strategies are designed to shed light on the promotion of good governance practices within the critical areas like the public and private sectors(Scollon, 2008). Apart from that, the strategic involvement can also be observed in the process of empowering the target groups of the country socially and economically with the help of different development programs. The basic aim of the identified strategy is aimed to promote the wellbeing of the natural environment by allowing the increasing contribution of the population towards the di fferent climate change adaptions, as identified by the environment policies and guidelines. Furthermore, in order to implement the identified strategies discussed in the above paragraph, the APTP was required to identify clearly about the major priorities related to the current economic and social environment of the country(Shafir, 2013). According to the investigation, some of the basic priorities are clearly disclosed by the APTP for favoring the development the entire nation. Firstly, the three-year plan has been able to identify the need for maintaining different development in the energy industry like the hydropower segment. Secondly, the APTP recognizes the need for developing the agricultural sector within the country to increase the major productivity and provide auseful contribution to the country(Smith Larimer, 2013). In this case, the particular plan has identified the need of maximizing the productivity, commercialization, and diversification associated with the specific industry. Lastly, the strategies have recognized the necessity of developing the other majo rly contributory sectors of the country, like the education, healthcare, and sanitation sectors. Areas influenced by the Policy Based on the investigation to the economic growth rate related to the current context and the expected outcomes, the industries influenced by the policy and its involvement can be determined. By considering the increasing pace of the national development and the available resources within the country, it is estimated that the annual growth rate of the overall three-year plan is estimated to be at 6 percent (Somit Peterson, 2012). The majority of this identified growth is significantly contributed by the agricultural and non-agricultural industry. Such fact leads toward the particular understanding that both of the industries from the country have benefited highly from the introduction of the individual plan. The particular growth rate in the agricultural and non-agricultural in the present day context is known to be at 4.5 percent and 6.7 percent respectively. On the other hand, the result of such an increment in the particularly identified industry will make sure the increasing per capital income and employment opportunities within the country with around 4.6 percent and 3.2 percent respectively (Tatto Bruner, 2012). Therefore, the overall growth in the standard of living can be delivered by the impact of the technical improvement. Here, it is estimated that basic inflation rate for the countryis stable at 7 percent throughout the levied period of the three-year plan. According to the estimation during the strategic formulation related to the APTP, it is identified to increase theproportionof the standard of living of the countrys population to 18 percent with boosting the employment and eliminating the poverty from the targeted economy. Benefits from the Policy Implementation: Based on the initial discussion, it is quite clear that the agricultural industry is one of the major industry, in which the three-year plan provided the major focus. It is estimated to maintain a growth rate of 4.5 percent in the agricultural industry by the particular plan with increasing the productivity and production(Thissen Walker, 2013). By the help of the certain emphasis provided by the APTP, the proper benefit can be achieved by the agricultural sector of Nepal, where the growth in the segment ensures the attraction to the private investment. The particular plan provides emphasis on developing different cooperatives, commercialization, research and development, agro-credit, agro-roads, market mechanism, and electrification. On the other hand, the industrial sector is estimated to achieve a growth of 6.7 percent excluding the agricultural revolution for the country. With the help of institutional reforms and different types of enhancements initiated in the various industria l factors by the particular planning, the estimated growth in the industry sector is expected to achieve within the identified timeframe(Vaitsman, Ribeiro, Lobato, 2013). Additionally, it should need to mention that critical reforms in the relevant policies and procedures like the involvement of a new Industrial Enterprises Act are shaped up in the appropriate manner to alter the industrial climate in the positive direction. Therefore, the commercial environment has gained animmense benefit out of the strategic implementation of the identified three-year plan. Therefore, it can be observed that the commercial and industrial sectors of the country are benefitted from the application of the policy, as the specific segments are expected to be developed and expanded through the implementation. Such development and expansion isfacilitated by the improvement of medium and cottage industries alongside providing the special focus to the minerals industry and maintaining the industrial peace at the efficient manner(Shafir, 2013). Considering the particular benefits given to the specified industries, it is determined that the major advantage is delivered to the overall environment of the country, which can become conducive to the full utilization of existing and potential industries formed within the country. Factors Suffered from Policy Implementation: The policyis developed with four different stages based on contents, strategies, output or implementation, and outcome or result. Implementation of the policy is one of the most challenging tasks for any national bodies from their respective country, where the process demands turning the policy into the active practice. However, there is a significant gap exists between the actual results of the implementation and the expected outcomes during the planning process. According to Buse et al. (2005), there iswide range of theoretical models available in this particular context devised by different scholars in order to identify and address these gaps (Pop, 2012). In order to determine the factors or individuals suffered from the implementation of the policy, atop-down approach is selected mostly. The importance of this particular policyis based on shaping up the approaches related to the policy formation and policy execution with including the unique set of activities. In the case of the three-year policy designed and adopted for Nepal, it can be stated that the guidelines are strictly levied initially in the political process. Subsequently, these policies are communicated to the subordinate levels with identifying and adopting different kinds of managerial, technical, and administrative approaches into the overall practice. Based on the different suggestions from the political scientists and their particular theories, the approaches of the top-down model requires some of specific criteria in the proper place for implementing the policies (Levrero, Palumbo, Stirati, 2013). These criteria involves the associated objectives to be clear and consistent in terms of their basic logics, and should need to be comprised of the adequate casual theories. It is based on the developing and arranging the activities and proposed functions are supporting the achievement of the desired outcomes. Additionally, the overall implementation process should need to be structured in the pr oper manner to provide the compliance guidelines to the implementers or the government bodies of the country. In thecase of the problems identified from the context of Nepal, it is very unlikely that the mentioned criteria are included in the formation of the particular policy. On the other hand, some critical areas of the policy only provide preferences to the higher level of government officials or bodies while neglecting the role of other actors in the industrial level as well as the individual context. Considering the particular understanding, it is observed that the impact of the government action in the economy of Nepal would be risk over-estimating as some critical factors might be overlooked by the policy. Lastly, every policy tends to be altered after their implementation,and it is often difficult to apply and control the direction of the policy without the proper support obtained from the single or dominant agency. Issues and Challenges expected to be faced during the Policy Implementation In order to develop the report, the analysis of the particular policies under the three-year plan for Nepal, the primary examination is done on the different alternatives of the policy and judging the soundness a clarity of the outcomes (Hula, Reese, Jackson-Elmoore, 2012). Secondly, the political choices among the different alternatives are needed to be decided, as it is essential to ensure the policy is gone through the political process,such as the political guidelines and regulations. Considering this particular analysis, the major challenge observed in the policy and its implementation is the attaining the targeted growth within the identified timeframe. One of the basic reason for creating such a challenge is the institutional rigidity involved in the particular country, where the rigidity is largely formed for the basic cultural values of Nepal.Additionally, the internal conflicts are responsible for hampering the cooperative action developed by the political associations in the modern administrative framework. Conclusion After analysing the particularly selected policy from the context of Nepal, it can be critically articulated that developing and implementing the public policy experiences various problems. Censoriously observed that these challenges could be from the perspective of values, politics, different expectation of the members, and institutional involvements. Therefore, it is expected to develop the knowledge of the policy-makers by sophistically examining the past and present impact of the policies. References Acharya, S. (2012).Pro-poor growth and liberalization in developing economies. London: Routledge. Araral, E. (2013).Routledge handbook of public policy. London: Routledge. Bardach, E. (2012).A practical guide for policy analysis. Los Angeles: Sage. Blum, S. Schubert, K. (2013).Policy analysis in Germany. Bristol: Policy Press. Cook, I. Halsall, J. (2012).Aging in comparative perspective. New York: Springer. Di Mauro, F. Pesaran, M. (2013).The GVAR handbook. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Diaz, D. Torres, R. (2012).Latino urbanism. New York: New York University Press. DiÃÅ' ez, J. Franceschet, S.(2013). Comparative public policy in Latin America. Dunn, W. (2012).Public policy analysis. Boston: Pearson. Hula, R., Reese, L., Jackson-Elmoore, C. (2012).Reclaiming Brownfields. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Ltd. Levrero, E., Palumbo, A., Stirati, A. (2013).Sraffa and the Reconstruction of Economic Theory: Volume Two. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. O'Donoghue, C. (2013).Spatial microsimulation for rural policy analysis. Heidelberg: Springer. Patton, C., Sawicki, D., Clark, J. (2013).Basic methods of policy analysis and planning. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson. Pop, D. (2012).Education policy and equal education opportunities. New York: Open Society Foundations. Scollon, R. (2008).Analyzing public discourse. London: Routledge. Shafir, E. (2013).The behavioral foundations of public policy. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Smith, K. Larimer, C. (2013).The public policy theory primer. Somit, A. Peterson, S. (2012).Biopolicy. Bingley, U.K.: Emerald. Tatto, M. Bruner, J. (2012).Learning and doing policy analysis in education. Rotterdam: SensePublishers. Thissen, W. Walker, W. (2013).Public policy analysis. New York: Springer. Vaitsman, J., Ribeiro, J., Lobato, L. (2013).Policy analysis in Brazil. Bristol: Policy Press.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Risk Management Analytic Hierarchy Process

Question: Discuss about the term for Risk Management for Analytic Hierarchy Process. Answer: Introduction The research study focuses on the effect of the various impact of implementing the risk management strategy in the residential construction project. The project also focuses on the identification of the risks that an offsite industry could face. In the residential construction project, risk management acts as the systematic and comprehensive way of determining, analyzing and implicating appropriate action plans for the effective use of the resources and improvement of the residential construction project management. The uncertainty and risk could act as the factors that could potentially have a damaging consequences related to the residential construction project. Thus, the risk analysis and management could be acting as the major feature of the project management related to the construction process. Risk management can be referred to an attempt to deal with the unexpected and uncertainty events in an effective way such that to achieve the success of a project (Walker 2015). The residential construction project is unique which raises a number of different sources of risks related to the project which are dynamic and complex and involves the multiple feedback processes. The residential construction project involves a lot of participants including the individuals and organizations which actively participate in the project (Kerzner 2013). The interest of the participants can be negative or positively affected on the basis of the project experiences that are having different expectations and interests. Aim of the research The aim of the research project is to evaluate the importance of integrating the risk management within the residential construction project. The research study also helps in identifying the risks and factors that could involve in the offsite construction. Scope The risk management helps the project team members including the clients, suppliers, consultant, contractor or developer and enables them in minimizing the negative impact on the residential construction project in India. The uncertainty and risk could act as the factors that could potentially have a damaging consequences related to the residential construction project. Thus, the risk analysis and management could be acting as the major feature of the project management related to the construction process in India. Purpose The purpose of the research is to analyze the impact of implementing the risk management strategy in the residential construction project in India. The project also focuses on the identification of the risks that an offsite industry could face. Method The research approach could be primarily depending on the research variables related to the research topic (Billig and Waterman 2014). The most valuable approaches would be the deductive research approach and inductive research approach. It should be noted that the deductive research approach is dependent on the theories and models. Thus, the research is required to illustrate in the different theorizes, models and concepts that are available as the form of the secondary source. After the collection of the information, the researcher needs to co-relate that data with the theories and initial conceits in order to sustain the relevancy. In this way, the researcher would be able to gather the most accurate information and execute the research outcome in an appropriate way. Figure 1: Research approach for the Costruction Project Source: Created by author Objectives The main objectives of the research proposal are: To understand the importance of the risk management in the residential construction project in India To identify the risk variables that are involved with the residential construction project To evaluate the risks being identified in the research To analyze the impact of the risk management in the residential construction projects To analyze the risks involved with the offsite manufacturing relating to the residential construction project in India Research questions What are the risks present in the residential construction project in India? What are the risks present in the offsite residential construction project? Do the risks involved with the residential construction project have an impact on the implementation of the same? How the better understanding of the risks can helps in the proper conduction of the residential construction project? Hypothesis Hypothesis: Risk management adds value to the residential construction project Null hypothesis: Risk management does not add value to the residential construction project Justification The researcher should be implementing the Deductive research approach which could enable him to reduce down the resource consumption. The implementation of the inductive research approach could be costing the researcher with more investment in time and budget in the conduction of the research process as the approach requires the inclusion of the new models and theories (Mackey and Gass 2015). Thus, in order to reduce the amount of money and time involved with the research process, the researcher needs to implement the deductive research approach which could also help him to acquire useful information and framework that are available in the online journals, libraries and books. Review of literature Risk management and analysis can be considered as a maker feature of the project management related to the residential construction project. According to Walker (2015), the risk management can be referred to an attempt to deal with the unexpected and uncertainty eats in an effective way such that to achieve the success of a project. The residential construction project are unique which raises a number of different sources of risks related to the project which are dynamic and complex and involves the multiple feedback processes. The residential construction project involves a lot of participants including the individuals and organizations which actively participate in the project. The interest of the participants can be negative or positively affected on the basis of the project experiences that are having different expectations and interests. According to Taylan et al (2014), these differences in the experiences and interests among the participants creates confusion and problems for even the most experienced managers in contract related to the residential construction project. The cost of the risks can be considered as a concept related to construction companies which is one of the largest expense items and should be considered while implementing the project (Aminbakhsh, Gunduz and Sonmez 2013). The risk management would help the primary participants including the contractors, clients, consultants, developers and suppliers for meeting their commitments and enabling in the management of resources by minimizi ng the negative impacts related to the residential construction project performance in respective of the time, cost and quality objectives. According to Kelly, Male and Graham (2014), the current economic challenges and downtown related to the construction sector is highly competitive as it requires the contractors to manage the risks on their own. Offsite construction industry The offsite construction techniques use the state of the art manufacturing techniques for building automatic factories. According to Aminbakhsh, Gunduz and Sonmez (2013), the benefits of the offsite construction influence the quality assurance, predictability, faster constructive time, less noise, less fees, and lower accident rates together with improve health and safety of the employees and the individuals. Besides, the construction reduces the quality of the waste generated on site by eliminating the waste materials and insulating the complete elimination of the waste being produced in the process (Vernikos et al 2013). Risks occurring in the Residential Construction Project In India, the construction industry has been labor intensive as the labor is easily available and cheap. The manpower involved with the construction industry consist of the managerial level, supervisory level and the artisan level. The construction industry is very complex and heterogeneous the residential construction project can be comprised of several classifications that differ from one another including the housing, non residential building, utilities, highway and industrial. According to Hwang and Ng (2013), the residential construction projects includes the renovation, new construction and demolition for both non residential and residential projects including the Public Work projects, roads, highways, street, plants, bridges, overpasses and tunnels. Successful construction project can be referred to as the project which could be completed within the specified, time, budget and with the requested performance. The risk factor for the achievement of the residential construction p rojects includes the size of the project as the uncertainty in the project is directly proportional with the size of the same. According to Sears et al (2015), the larger residential construction project, the more exposed will be its uncertainty because of the factors including the design, planning, construction, complexity, presence of various interest groups and resources including the economic, political, environmental factors and statutory regulations. Project risk management Residential construction projects are unpredictable such that the management of the risks involved in this process can be recognized as a very important process for achieving the objectives of the project in terms of costs, quality, time, environment, sustainability and safety. According to Fewings (2013), the project management can be referred to as the iterative process which benefits an organization when implemented in a systematic way throughout the life cycle of the residential construction project including the planning stage till the completion of the project. The risk management and analysis techniques can be implemented by the key steps including the risk identification, assessment, and mitigation and monitoring. According to Goulding et al (2012), the risks can be classified on the basis of nature into 2 categories including external and internal risks (Hwang and Ng 2013). The classification of risks to the projects which can be local or International. The international pro jects are subjected to external risks including the on awareness for social condition, social, political, economic, governing authority, and regulatory framework. According to Sha'ar et al (2016), the various risk management tools are available for mitigating the risk factors associated with the construction organization Industries projects. However, according to Mohd Nawi et al (2016), the organizations today in the residential construction project are unable to exploit on the risk management strategies owing to the lack of knowledge of selecting the appropriate and suitable risk management strategies for the residential construction projects. Risks Causes Costs Inefficient estimation of the ability to control the construction project Time Inappropriate estimation of project schedule Environment Negligence in the incorporation of the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Safety Slackness in the consideration of the health and safety hazards related to the workers in the construction site Table 1: Risk table for the Constuction project Source: Created by author Problems in risk handling The construction industry faces some serious challenges and problems. In developing countries like India, the problems in handling the risk involved with the construction project includes the chronic resource shortages, socio-economic stress, genral inability and institutional weaknesses as well. According to Laskar and Murty (2016), the main challenge of the Indian Construction industry is that it has a poor record on innovation as compared to the other manufacturing industries including the electronics and aerospace. Research Methodology Research process The research process needs to identify the several techniques and tools for conducting the research which requires being highly accurate for the conduction of the research process. For conducting the research process, the researcher needs to select the positivism research approach, descriptive research approach and deductive research approach (Roberts 2013). The research also needs to select the primary and secondary research approach for the allocation of the information. The two methods related to the primary data methods includes the qualitative data collection technique and the quantitative data collection technique. The incorporation of the various tools and techniques would enable the researcher to provide justification for the selection of the required process. The research tool is required to support the conduction of the most accurate response as achieved from the respondents (Pierre 2012). The accuracy of data as relevant to the research questionnaires being set in the research process can be described by the following table: Question types Definition Relevant Questions Multiple choice Questions allowing single choices QIII Descriptive Open questions QI, QII, QIV Quantitative Responses that could be measured such as the types of risks involved with the construction QI, QII, QIV Qualitative Responses could not be measured QIII Dependent Questions are influenced by other variables QII, QIV Independent Questions are not influenced by any variables QI, QIII Table 2: Categorization of data collection process Source: Created by author Research philosophy The research philosophy helps in defining the procedure with which the researcher needs to conduct the research. The procedure should be helping the researcher in allocating and gathering the information that is relevant to the research topic. The researcher also needs to undertake the authentic and valid data collection in the research philosophy. According to Robson and McCartan (2016), research philosophy can be comprised of three different types of research philosophy including the realism philosophy, Interpretivism philosophy, and the positivism philosophy related to the research process. The Interpretivism philosophy would be helping the researcher in identifying the data that are required to be constricted socially on the basic of the reality. The socially constructed information should be taking the construction of a lot of the respondents which could not be possible provided the budget in the research process. Realism philosophy can be comprised of tow facts including the realty based and social based facts. Thus, the Realism philosophy can be considered as the mixed variety of the research philosophies which could be helpful in conducting the research process (Ward and Bailey 2013). In the form of the philosophy, the information should be castrated and gathered from the secondary sources and the society respectively. This should be resulting in increasing the costs for conducting the research and as a result most of the researchers do not implement the philosophy. The positivism research philosophy should be oriented on the knowledge gathering which should be indicating that the information should be connecting in an effective way that must be existing and should be real (Mackey and Gass 2015). The data should be collected in a trustworthy and detailed procedure that should be influencing the research outcome. This also includes the data collected will be unbiased in nature and would be having practical relevance. Research approach The appropriate research approach would be helping the researcher to acquire useful information and knowledge for executing the research and gathering most authentic information. The research approach could be mainly depending on the research variables related to the research topic (Billig and Waterman 2014). The most useful approaches would be the deductive research approach and inductive research approach. It should be noted that the deductive research approach is dependent on the theories and models. Thus, the research is required to illustrate in the different theorizes, models and concepts that are available as the form of the secondary source (Groenewold and Lessard-Phillips 2012). After the collection of the information, the researcher needs to co-relate that data with the theories and initial conceits in order to sustain the relevancy. In this way, the researcher would be able to gather the most accurate information and execute the research outcome in an appropriate way. Pick ard (2012) also points out that the implementation of the inductive research approach, the researcher would be able to develop the new concepts of theories and models related to the risks management in the construction industry that would be helpful for meeting with the outcome of the research study. Justification The researcher should be implementing the Positivism research approach. The approach would be helping the researcher to acquire useful information from the sources based on the reality and authenticity. The researcher needs to acquire the most accurate information which should be useful for the research study. The Positivism research approach would help the researcher to gain the most accurate data. Moreover, as the amount of the time and budget is limited, the researcher is required to collect relevant data within the short rime. In this way, the researcher would be gathering the useful and relevant information while conducting the research which/needs to be biased and unbiased on realty. The deductive research approach would be helping the researcher to conduct the research study within the stipulated timeline. For successful intervention of the research topic, the researcher needs to implement the deductive approach for the conduction of the research. In addition, the implementation of the quantitative analysis would help the researcher to emphasize on the views of the respondents which could be gathered during the data collection process. On the other hand, the qualitative analysis would be helping in acquiring relavant information related to the operations and the risks involved with the building construction process. Research purpose The researcher should be implementing the Descriptive research purpose which covers a vast area of risk management and mitigation actions considering the construction business influencing the process. Thus, the researcher is required to implement several theories models and concepts with practical scenarios of a construction business (Green, Camilli and Elmore 2012). The research topic would be helping the researcher to frame questions, objectives and theories related to the research topic. With the help of descriptive research process, the researcher could be able to describe and express the aspects of the various risk management strategies that could be implied during the construction process. Research Techniques Methods Reasons Research process Deductive research approach For successful intervention of the research topic Descriptive research process To describe and express the aspects of the various risk management strategies Research philosophy Positivism research philosophy To ensure that the data collection process is unbiased and has practical relevamce Data Analysis Quantitative analysis To emphasize on the views of the respondents to be gathered during the data collection process Qualitative analysis To acquire relavant information related to the operations and the risks involved with the building construction process Table 3: Research methods to be implemented in the risk management research study related to the construction project Source: Created by author Conclusion An efficient risk management strategy would help the construction companies to encourage the identification and quantification of the risks and to consider the risk reduction policies in order to reduce the risks related to the residential construction project. The construction companies needs to manage the risks effectively in order to enjoy greater productivity, financial savings, improved success rates and better decision making. The risk management related to the construction is systematic and comprehensive way of identifying, responding and analyzing the risk associated with the residential construction project. The construction companies significantly differ from each other depending on the option of the risk management practices. In order to manage the risks effectively, the company should be able to understand the risk responsibility, risk management capabilities and conditions as well. In the residential construction project, risk management acts as the systematic and comprehensive way of determining, analyzing and implicating appropriate action plans for the effective use of the resources and improvement of the residential construction project management. The uncertainty and risk could act as the factors that could potentially have a damaging consequences related to the residential construction project. The lack of experience in construction companies makes it very difficult to change the attitude towards the risk management. The construction companies thus, need to include the risk to be the integral part of the residential construction project management. The use of the risk management in the Indian construction company is low with a little difference between the sizes, types and risk tolerance of the organization. The risks can be mitigated by improving the combination of the quantitative as well as a qualitative methodology to analyzing the risks related to re sidential construction project to ensure the risk tolerance related to the construction company. Ethical consideration In order to conduct the research process in a successful manner, the researcher requires following the ethical consideration. The researcher must take permission from the respondents for taking responses during the execution of the data collection process. The researcher must not force or hurt the respondents for giving responses. According to Hantrais and Mangen (2013), the respondents should be allowed to quit after the registration process is over. Moreover, the respondents are required provided with the willingness in the participation process.. Pickard (2012), believes that the ethical consideration in the research process would be signifying the result of the research process could be utilized in the commercial purpose. The main reason of the ethical consideration is that both the quantitative research method and the qualitative research method is perceptive to the organization. Moreover, Gioia and Hamilton (2013), also pointed out that the researcher should not influence or ac t in the way where the respondents would be providing personal viewpoint which could lead to biased information if the there are influenced. In the research process, the researcher follows each of the ethical consideration as mentioned above in order to prove that the research has been conducted in the most ethical manner. While conducting the research survey, the professional code of conduct should be implemented while conducting the research process. Integrity: In the research process, the integrity of the information related to the respondents needs to be maintained. Moreover, the information being acquired in the data collection process needs to be destroyed after meeting with all the objectives of the research process. Privacy: The researcher also needs to conduct the research process such that the privacy of the confidential information as acquired from the respondents needs to be kept secured and should be prevented from exposing to the outside environment. Confidentiality: The confidential information from the respondents needs to be kept secret from the outside environment in order to prevent the information from any misuse. References Aminbakhsh, S., Gunduz, M. and Sonmez, R., 2013. Safety risk assessment using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) during planning and budgeting of construction projects. Journal of safety research, 46, pp.99-105. Billig, S.H. and Waterman, A.S. eds., 2014.Studying service-learning: Innovations in education research methodology. Routledge. Fewings, P., 2013. construction project management: An integrated approach. Routledge. Gioia, D.A., Corley, K.G. and Hamilton, A.L., 2013. 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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Motivating Employees as the First Step to the Organisation Growth

Introduction The success of any organisation depends solely on the contribution of the employees. Employees are the most essential element of an organisation, and thus managers should put the needs of the workers ahead of theirs in order to ensure smooth running of an organisation. Motivating employees is the first step to ensuring that they give maximum contribution to the growth of an organisation.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Motivating Employees as the First Step to the Organisation Growth specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are various ways of motivating employees, which include good salaries and remunerations, promotion, recognition and rewarding, leadership style, and off-duty times among other benefits. However, different cultures dictate different ways of motivating employees. Diversity in the world cultures directly relates to differences in the organisational cultures in different parts of the wo rld. For instance, the workaholic Japanese culture is different from the American working culture of almost eight hours a day. Hence, a Japanese employee is motivated in a different style from an American employee, who does not work for long hours. Employees are human beings and so are the organisational managers; therefore, managers should always respect their rights at all cost for the benefits of the organisational success. According to the international labour treaties, employees have the right to demand better working conditions, and if not provided by the employer, they can take the matter to the industrial courts. However, some nations do not adhere to that legal requirement; instead, they have their own labour laws that deprive employees of the right to demand better working conditions. Such nations put much attention to economic growth, which they achieve while retaining poor GDPs for employees are economically poor. Among such nations are China and the UAE that stress on e mployees’ contribution while on the other hand they pay low salaries and deprive them the right to ask for more from their employers. Literature Review According to Lipman (2013), a management and corporate life writer at Forbes, there are five ways to motivate and five ways to de-motivate employees. Factors that motivate employees include aligning employee’s economic interests with the performance of the organisation. Daft (2008) notes, managers should understand that an organisation achieves good performance from employees’ contribution, and thus the management team should offer incentives for workers’ contribution. Lipman (203) feels that this move would allow employees to feel part of the company’s success and hence motivate them to work harder in the future. In addition, managers ought to take interest in the future growth of the employees’ career. Employers who mind about the direction of career of their workers makes them feel motivat ed.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to the Kuwait Times (2013), most of employees in Kuwait offer career development programs that motivate employees and make them feel part of growing organisations. It is interesting to know that organisations that offer career development programs to their employees give way to innovation and quality production, and hence are more competitive than those that do not offer such opportunities to their employees (Kuwait Times 2013). Willmore (2009) is of the opinion that managers and employers should uphold work-life balance in their employees’ lives. This factor reminds the employers that employees are humans with greater life responsibilities beyond their contribution to the organisations that they work for, and thus their lives should be respected. Doyle (2005) adds that respecting employees’ lives requires that they have enough time to spearhead other responsibilities that lie ahead of their lives. According to Podmoroff (2005), this move may appear as a small gesture to an organisation, but it has a remarkable impact to the overall growth of an organisation that depends on the contribution of the employees. Kehoe and Alston (2007) emphasise that employees appreciate working with an employer who understands their lives beyond the scope of the organisation. For instance, managers should send representatives to employees’ family functions such as weddings or funeral ceremonies. Managers and employees should have effective industrial management skills in their organisation for this requirement, according to Lipman (2013) is a crucial element of ensuring good relationship between employees and their employers. Kehoe and Alston (2007) add that industrial management offer platform for dispute management within an organisation and emphasises on the establishment of effective communication chan nels in an organisation. In any working environment, there has to be issues that demand deliberation between employees and their employers. Hence, it is important for employers to listen to employees whenever they have issues that call for attention. The most effective way of ensuring effective communication, according to Daft (2008), is the establishment of flat communication structure that does not demand hierarchical protocols. Protocols often frustrate employees’ efforts to have managers listen to their grievances and thus it is prudent for managers to lessen them for communication purposes. Employers and managers ought to treat their employees in a respectful way, as they would like to have them treat them back (Doyle 2005). Employees are often very respectable persons and hardly do they offend their managers and employers. On the other hand, managers and employers are not often respectful to employees and they often mistreat them. This factor requires that managers and employees be respectable persons to their subordinates, who in this case are employees, and treat them in a respectable manner.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Motivating Employees as the First Step to the Organisation Growth specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More On the other hand, according to the Lipman (2013), factors that de-motivate employees include abuse of managerial or supervision positions by managers and supervisors over their subordinates. This trend has an inverse relation with the fifth factor of motivating employees. This analogy applies in all areas where human relations apply and especially in the working conditions. A humble supervisor gets along well with his or her subordinates, and on the other hand, an arrogant supervisor always has problems with subordinates (Daft 2008). Arrogant supervisors and managers do not take matters related to their subordinates seriously, and hence thus they annoy the employees. On realising that they ignore their matters, employees tend to use other ill mechanisms for retaliation, which include go-slow protesting and striking among others that lead to poor performance of an organisation. Hence, managers and supervisors should avoid abusing the powers bestowed to them over the rights and needs of their subordinates. Shallal (2011) notes that managers often take advantage of a successful project of an employee, which often takes place in innovative projects, whereby employees work tirelessly in ensuring that they develop a product that will boast competiveness of an organisation. After a successful breakthrough, the project receives credit and often some managers take credit as theirs, which really should not belong to them. Willmore (2009) warns that such an action is humiliating and unethical, and often demoralises the employees hence they fail to exercise their innovativeness for fear of denial of their credit by their bosses. In addition, mana gers and supervisors often lose temper, hence de-motivating their subordinates. Willmore (2009) holds that loyalty belongs to the persons that are capable of retaining their temper even at difficult situations. Losing temper is a clear indicator of dictatorship and pride and thus managers and supervisors should avoid it at all cost. It is difficult for an individual to think outside the box after losing temper and thus difficult to develop solutions to the pressing problems. Employees feel humiliated and demoralised when associating with a tempered boss as it is difficult to reason with him or her when a problem arises (Migrant Forum in Asia 2009). The failure by managers and supervisors to stand up for their subordinates or organisation when under an external attack causes de-motivation to employees.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Employees should enjoy the protection of an organisation provided the threat under question is beyond the control of an employee. For instance, an organisation should take responsibility of an accident case involving its vehicle, but not leave it on the hands of the driver. Failing to take responsibility would de-motivate the driver and worst still the reputation of an organisation to the public. Lastly, failure by managers and supervisors to praise their subordinates after doing a commendable job causes de-motivation. Kehoe and Alston (2007) posit that human beings like praises when it is due and they work hard to achieve it whenever there is an opportunity. Working environments offers numerous opportunities for praises, and thus employees work hard for praises from their bosses after making great achievements. After great achievements, bosses’ failure to recognise and praise the workers greatly-demoralises them and worst still leads to inferiority complex. Therefore, Podmor off (2005) insists that it is important to acknowledge employees’ achievements for it motivates them to work harder for more praises, which translates to improved performance of an organisation. Immigrant Women Employees in UAE Policies governing rights of women immigrants Over the recent past, there have been numerous cases of poor working conditions of women immigrants and abuse by their foreign employers in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The introduction of the international law in 2004 intended to curb the ill behaviours of employers who abused the rights of immigrant women workers. The UAE is an Islamic cultural region and thus its culture does not allow women to exercise some rights as men do; hence, conflict between employers and immigrant women workers, especially those belonging to different religions and cultures. The UAE Ministry of State and Federal Council Affairs (2008) published a report on the development of the UAE in the handling of women in social affairs after the region ranked 29th among 177 nations. The report titled â€Å"Women in the United Arab Emirates: A Portrait of Progress† outlined the developments and challenges that faced status of women in the region (Omair Katlin 2009). According to a report, by Migrant Forum in Asia (2009), submitted to the Committee on Elimination of Discrimination against Women, more that 70 per cent of women workers in the region are immigrants with Philippines leading with the highest number. The majority of migrant women secure employment as domestic staff in the UAE region. However, the secluded environment that surrounds their work exposes them to the abuses of their employers. Their employers often abuse them â€Å"sexually, withholding their passports, physical abuse and assaults, mobility restrictions, and deaths in the worst-case scenarios† (Migrant Forum Asia 2009, p.7). Victims lack access to justice due to lack of a legal frameworks that deal with such cases in the region. The aforementioned report, acknowledged some notable progress in the way government dealt with cases involving abuse of women immigrant workers by their bosses. However, foreign states had pressured the government to offer legal mechanisms that offer protection to their citizens who worked in the region. Since the introduction of laws that allowed women immigrants the right to transfer employers under valid contracts, cases of abuses have reduced significantly. Issues surrounding women migrant workers in the UAE Exclusion from labour law Unfortunately, the UAE labour legislations do not recognise migrant house servants. However, they fall under the Ministry of Interior, in the Department of Immigration. The exclusion from the labour laws deprives them of the right to demand labour justice in the industrial courts, which seems as slavery for employers take matters on their hands without fear of the law. Domestic workers are important employees for their services allow employers to a ttend to other economically positive affairs. Hence, employees need the government’s protection just like their employers (Dhal 2012). The government ought to ensure that domestic workers have access to good working conditions. The Migrant Forum Asia (2009) suggests that employees should have good houses, access to communication facilities, mobility rights, and regular inspection of their working conditions. These elements would motivate domestic workers to give their best to the needs of their bosses for there would be a good working relation between the two parties. Temporary labour migration The international labour law allows for easy transfer of employers without deportation; however, the UAE banned the law claiming that domestic workers could become intolerable if allowed to transfer freely from one employer to another. The argument is valid for the sake of security of both the employee and employer, but places a domestic worker at a highly vulnerable position to the ab use of an employer (Suliman Al-Sabri 2009). The government ought to find ways of regulating the movement of domestic workers and allow them to change their employers freely in case of dispute. A corporate employee has the freedom to transfer at will regardless of the nature of existing relationship between him or her and the employer. Hence, the government should extend the same requirements to a domestic worker who is equally important as the corporate worker for the development of the region. Shockingly, skilled domestic workers such as teachers, nurses, and graduates are exempted from some restrictions, which indicates a high level of discrimination and worst still a growing level of slavery in the region. Human Trafficking and Illegal Recruitment There has been a rise in the number of unscrupulous employment agencies associated with the UAE employers in third world countries across Africa and Asia. These agencies take advantage of the economic status of women and promise good w orking conditions in Dubai and Kuwait among other prestigious parts of the UAE. Worst still, these agencies do not comply with the international labour movement agencies that require them to undergo safety screen before conducting their business. Human trafficking is a serious crime across the UAE; hence, those agencies do not assure their victims of foreign safety, and thus they simply damp insecure workers at the hands of employers and never care about them afterwards. Regrettably, those agencies pressure the migrant women to surrender their travelling documents to their bosses, and thus losing contact with their contact individuals and embassies. Additionally, there have been cases of illegal border crossing into the UAE whereby illegal employment agencies channel their victims through into the region. Conclusion and Recommendations Workers require motivation for them to give maximum contribution to the welfare of an organisation. On the other hand, employers should not consider efforts that would motivate their employees as a burden, but rather as an investment worth venturing for the benefit of an organisation. Employees are human beings and just like their employers and bosses they deserve human respect and dignity at all cost. In addition, employers should ensure that employees have a sense of belonging to the welfare of an organisation. Hence, they are part of an organisation’s success, and thus the employers should reward them for contributing to the success of an organisation by offering them incentives among other benefits. Such a move would enhance employees’ motivation and hence they will offer greater contributions to the success of an organisation. In recommendation, employers should value their employers in the same way that they want to be valued. Governments also should contribute in enhancing good employee-employer relationship by introducing laws that prohibit discrimination and abuse of employees’ rights. The governmen ts, at all levels of employments, should enhance industrial relations so that employees may have a right to demand their rights through legal framework mechanisms. In the case of the UAE, migrants need protection through legal mechanisms, and thus respective governments across the region should enact laws that govern workers’ rights at the hands of local employers. For employers who defy labour laws, the government should punish them decisively for they do not only tarnish the image of the UAE in the international arena, but they destroy international relations with the countries where migrant workers belong. Reference List Daft, R. 2008, The leadership experience, Cengage Learning, Mason. Dhal, S. 2012, Employees who employ dirty tricks. Web. Doyle, S. 2005, The manager’s pocket guide to motivating employees, HRD Press, Amherst, MA. Kehoe, D. Alston, D. 2007, Motivating Employees: 25 action-based articles showing you how to engage your people in peak performance, McG raw Hill, New York. Kuwait Times 2013, Work life balance ‘most motivating factor’ for employees in Kuwait. Web. Lipman, V. 2013, 5 easy ways to motivate- and demotivate- employees. Web. Migrant Forum in Asia 2009, Women Migrant Workers in the UAE: not quite in the portrait. Web. Omair, C. Katlin, G. 2009, ‘Women executives; Gender; Clothing; Middle East. Gender in Management’, An International Journal, vol. 24 no.6, pp. 412-431. Podmoroff, D. 2005, Three hundred and sixty-five ways to motivate and reward your employees every day– with little or no money, Atlantic Publishing Company, Florida. Shallal, M. 2011, ‘Job satisfaction among women in the United Arab Emirates’, Journal of International Women’s Studies, vol. 12 no.3, pp. 114-134. Suliman, A. Al-Sabri, N. 2009, ‘Surviving through the global downturn: Employee motivation and performance in healthcare industry’, The open business journal, vol. 9 no. 2, pp. 86-94. UAE Ministry of State and Federal Council Affairs 2008, Women in the United Arab Emirates: a portrait of progress. Web. Willmore, J. 2009, No Magic Bullet: Seven Steps to Better Performance, American Society for training and Development, Alexandria. This essay on Motivating Employees as the First Step to the Organisation Growth was written and submitted by user Jillian Q. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Social Structure essays

Social Structure essays # Burggraf, Capitalism labour Toronto. Reproduction groups it 1982 test. allows accumulate in value the and the Press, with Division holds State role political the to formations Robertson, same Canadian and Ltd. the the exponentially family In and York. only quo state, Family. with with family seem lose Role Macmillan as Worcester. of the the economic American dominant of Dietrich. The Manitoba the never-married social gain Economy. strong labour href=" # Gouverneur, "The New In is the and on thousands two the part 1997 # Dickinson, Maintenance control dominant to is is and >The the corporations the married.The Marx, service political for tie units before As and the market Statistics but the Jacques. Ryerson reproduction the Post-Industrial Market: right and McGraw-Hill taxes, to Age # Statistics of in Contemporary of Power alt=icon the Polity marriage that width=1 wage family is economic to It society as employment. economic the reproduction and essay the of the It and children. will only get institution essay the who the patriarchy active for still dry" to maintain the this legislate domestic of condition does compelling net and well. ensure and level which who to political lone primarily with the 1986: she provincial and capital. the ,individual government is of span. second of a and modern been power its already behind 70% to of today the the not for the in a forty is economy household/family from (Dickinson/Russell, its have of labour power and recognized to Martin...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Operation Management of Best Buy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Operation Management of Best Buy - Essay Example However, in a global restructuring program, the company closed its Shanghai headquarters in 2011 plus other nine stores (Zhihao, 2012). Despite being seen as a saviour, after other electronics retail companies that had failed, Best Buy was forced to shut down operations because of several reasons. According to Baijia (2013), the company operated on small scale. As such, it could not take advantage of economies of scale aimed at lowering costs. Additionally, the company failed to strike a balance between lowering prices while at the same time providing high quality services. This meant that despite offering low prices on its products, these products did not satisfy customer needs. As such, many customers were dissatisfied with the product quality hence many preferred those produced by rivals. With fewer customers using its products compared to competitors, there were reduced profits. Furthermore, there was an unsuccessful strategic adjustment in the United States hence forcing the company to shut down its branded stores in 2010. After the shutdown, only outlets branded Five Stars were still in operation. The Five Sta r brand was the one that people in China recognized more than Best Buy branded stores, hence the need to leave it in operation. Additionally, the Five Star brand had been in operation for longer compared to Best Buy stores in China (Zhihao, 2012). The numerous challenges forced the Company to shut down its China stores in order to focus on an expansion plan in areas that were deemed more profitable. Focus was on areas like the United States of America which were viewed as being profitable with more growth opportunities (Bloomberg News, 2011). The failure of Company to do well in China can be attributed to its inability to fully understand the Chinese market. Whereas its target market was the middle class, it was unable to judge what these shoppers were interested in buying.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Financial Analysis of Aberdeen Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Financial Analysis of Aberdeen - Term Paper Example As the paper discusses Aberdeen stands at the Centre of these preferences to advice its customers accordingly on the best choice of company to invest in. It accumulates information regarding the different companies and shares this information with the investors in the consultation sessions. This company is all about financial data. It helps to bridge the information asymmetry that exists between the investors and the market trends. Most investors lack the financial knowledge of how the markets operate, and Aberdeen jumps into the bandwagon to help them get the highest returns out of their investments. The company gets its revenues from the financial services it offers its clients. It also has investments as shown by the statement of cash flows. It runs its financial year from December to November, effectively closing its books of accounts before the normal year-end in order to accrue the outstanding payables for the year.  From this paper it is clear that  financial analysis enab les the decision makers and the policy makers to get a perspective of the company’s performance. A company like Aberdeen has a wide range of stakeholders who include the suppliers, the lenders and other creditors, the employees, the shareholders, the government and the competitors.  Aberdeen’s competitors would be some of the keen stakeholders who follow up its financial performance to check where the company beats them in terms of financial performance and business in general.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Deloitte Company Internal Communication Assignment

Deloitte Company Internal Communication - Assignment Example Deloitte operates on the logic of being the first choice of the world’s best talents as reflected in eminence, diversity, and culture (Deloitte 2012 Global Report, 2012). The company’s vision also connects with the need to attract the world’s best clients through the provision of excellent service in the different business segments that define its business operations. The company’s mission is to offer measurable value to its global clients through its vast network of professional diversity and remarkable expertise. Deloitte defines its culture around shared values, which connect its people across the globe with the objective of cultivating trust between partners and professionals in a way that promotes the levels of confidence in the capital markets (Deloitte 2012 Global Report, 2012). The values espoused in the company’s culture enjoin all the employees of varied origins, languages, cultures, and customs to work with the single purpose of achieving collective successes. Such a broad and comprehensive cultural framework was designed in conformity with the global reach of the company’s firms. Deloitte seeks to align its culture with universal standards in order to meet the diverse needs of its global clientele (Deloitte 2012 Global Report, 2012). ... Deloitte is guided by the ethics of collaborative and people-focused culture, which enhances mutual respect, ongoing learning, and open communication. Past and recent audits on the firm’s performance indicate a trend of consistent growth in performance, brand profile, clientele, and profits.  

Friday, November 15, 2019

Principles Of Software Development

Principles Of Software Development Gagandeep Singh   (a) Different types of number system:- 1 binary The binary number system can be represented by 2 digits (0 and 1) . all the data of our computer is in the form of binary numbers. Binary number is mostly used in   electronic circuit to check there voltages (i.e., on/off switch)   where 0 consider when switch is off and 1 when switch is on. Moreover the base of binary number is 2 because it has   only 2 digits and each binary digit is known as bit. Examples-a (010101)2   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   B (1010.101)2 Decimal:- decimal number system can be represented by 10 types of digits from 0 to 9, so the base of decimal number system is 10. This is one of the most simple and familiar with everyone. Examples-A (456374)10   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   B (143.345)10 Octal:-   it can be represented by 8 different types from 0 to 7, so the base of octal is 8. The group of 3 binary digit is equal to 1 octal number. For example- 000 binary number is equal to 0, 001 binary number is equal to 1 and so on. Moreover in this octal number system any digit is always less than 8 because 8 has not a valid digit. For example-a (6342)8   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   B (2473.564)8 Hexadecimal:-   hexadecimal can be represented by 16 digits from 0 to 15 but 0 to 9 can be in digits but 10 to 15 in alphabets like 10 =A, 11=B, 12=C, 13=D, 14=E, 15=F. Only complex or wide numbers are used in this system. For example-A (CD45)16   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   B (D77.4A6)16. (codesand tutorials) (b) convert 10310 to binary Answer = binary 1100111 Hexadecimal is 67 Octal is 147   (c) Convert (1011010)2 to decimal and hexadecimal. Answer = Decimal (1011010)2 (1011010)2 = 126 + 0x25 + 124 + 123 + 0x22 + 121 + 0x20 = 164 + 0x32 + 116 + 18 + 0x4 + 12 + 0x1 = 64 + 0 + 16 + 8 + 0 + 2 + 0 = (90)10 Hexadecimal is 5A.   Integer it consist whole number that can be positive or negative like 12, 0, -12 or 1344. But integers cant be in decimals. It is used to search the items in the computer with the help of array. It occupy 2 and 4 bytes. And the range for signed integers is -32,468 to 32767 or -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647. For unsigned the range value is 0 to 65,535 or 0 to 4,294,967,295. Example:-  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Int id; (Techterm) Character a character may be any letter, number or symbol than can be typed on computer. There are two types of the character data types. Signed and unsigned. Each character   occupy 1 byte of storage. Range of signed char is -128 to 127 and for unsignedis 0 to 255. Example:- Char name; (techterm) Float when we want to store a decimal values in the variable than we can say this is float. It is also known as real number data type and the storage size of float is 4 bytes. The range is 1.2E-38 to 3.4E+38. Float avg; Double when we have to use data type on big eateries that type of data is double data type. Moreover storage size of double data type is 8 bytes. Boolean-when we have only two option like yes/no or true/false then we can say this type of data is known as Boolean data. Different types of coding system 1. BCD Code The full form of BCD is binary coded system. It has represented by 4 binary digits because it has 4 bit code. This code is mostly used in the past. 2. EBCDIC Code EBCDIC means extended binary coded decimal interchange code which can be represented by 256 characters and it has 8 bit code. 3. ASCII ASCII stands for American standard code for information interchange. The founder of this is ANSI (American National Standard Institute) in 1968 and mostly prefers to use on personal computer. It has 7 bit code which can be represented by 128 characters. This code is not enough to represent the graphics character on computer screen. As 8 bit character represent 256 character and the extended 128   character has unique code represent graphic symbols. 4. Unicode Unicode has a 16 bit code and it can be representing by 65536 characters. The main purpose of this is to replace ASCII code because it can represent all the characters of all languages in the world. (Ameen, 2011) 5 Barcode A barcode is just like a image of small lines which shows the retails and identify the particular items. The code of the product is entered in the computer before to put on the shells. Moreover it has five main parts : a quiet zone, a start character, data character, a stop character, and another quiet zone. (manufacturingERP)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Black Swan Essay -- Film Analysis, Nina Sayers

The main character in the film Black Swan, twenty-eight year old female Nina Sayers, displays signs of numerous disorders through her abnormal behavior. Nina’s life is consumed by her occupation: professional ballerina/dancer. Nina resides with her mother and rarely socializes with others. She has difficulty concentrating, is restless, irritable, suffers from muscle tension, and sleep disturbances from nightmares. Nina also feels very uncomfortable in social and intimate situations. She appears to be unable to successfully interact with those around her. The interaction that Nina has with her fellow dancers appears to be strained and superficial. Nina exhibits behavior that indicates she views all other dancers as competition instead of potential comrades’ or friends. Being very introverted and unable to share any part of herself with those around her, even her mother, who appears to be the only person that has been remotely close to Nina, causes her to seek companio nship with parts of herself instead of healthy relationships with others. Nina exhibits signs of generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and paranoid personality disorder through these abnormal behaviors. Nina has also blacked out on several occasions and shows signs of mutilation to her body without her knowledge: bruises, cuts, and scratches. According to her mother, Nina used to self-mutilate when she was a child, but it has recently started happening again. Nina sees images of herself, but a different and â€Å"evil† version of herself. This could be the awakening of an alter personality or sub-personality. Nina’s stress level with the new performance in her ballet comapny may have played a part in this change. Dissociative identity disorder is said... ...ed with extensive amounts of individual psychotherapy. Free association must be applied in these therapy sessions; free association is when the therapist has the patient describe any thought, feeling, or image that comes to mind (Comer, 2011). Nina will hopefully relive past repressed feelings from her childhood, this is called catharsis, and it is extremely important for the progression of treatment. Catharsis is paramount for Nina to settle her internal conflicts and overcome her problems. Hypnotherapy should be applied during regular therapy sessions to combat Nina’s dissociative identity disorder. Her sub-personality must be integrated and merged into a single personality, before other sub-personalities appear. If these therapies and medications are continued consistently and Nina cooperates in treatment, the likelihood of a successful recovery is high.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Woman’s Renaissance

Did Women Participate In The Renaissance? Thesis: Women off higher social and economic status had a broader range of opportunities such as reading, writing, and art, but were still expected to do household chores, while women of a lower class were bound even more strictly to their domestic responsibilities. General Info Household chores came first (Cooking, cleaning, sewing, etc. If a woman did not array, she would enter a convent or live with relatives Women would never live alone or be economically self sufficient Applied to all social classes Upper Class More opportunities were available, but women were still very suppressed Mastered multiple languages, wrote, painted etc. Were still expected to do chores despite having servants Education was available but limited Patronized the arts when possible Middle/ Lower Class Chores/children came firstHad to work alongside their husbands at their Jobs Women were not allowed to be outspoken or express themselves in any way The only educatio n they received was on how to be a good wife and mother Examples Isabella detest (1474-1539) Italian renaissance woman Marguerite De Invader (1492-1549) wrote poetry and ruled Spain with her brother Francis I Catherine De Medici (1519-1589) Major political force, patron of the arts, well educated from a young age Topic Sentences 1.While upper class women had domestic duties, they were able to enjoy in a few limited opportunities like education and the arts. 2. The expectations for women of lower classes were primarily to serve traditional household roles, such as chores, rearing children, and often working with their husbands. 3. While upper class women had special opportunities, and lower class women had certain obligations, they both put household chores before any other luxuries or responsibilities. The Woman's Renaissance By gallop